Saturday, May 21, 2011

love you more than funny quotes

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  • MacRumors
    Apr 19, 06:39 AM (

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  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 02:09 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I'm the guy I hope you kill so they put you away where you deserve to be.
    Wow, and I'm the immature one???
    guess what.
    This thread could be enough to get a warrant to prove your who you are.
    Also Arn could easily hand over you IP tracing you down even father along with your email address which is all legal and could be submitted to court as he freely handed over his privates data to the cops.
    sure Arn could do that, but then the cops have to prove that I actually did this, and they also have to prove who at my house typed this. It could be me, it could be my mother, it could be my brother, it could be my grandmother. There is no way to know who actually typed this. That's where it all falls apart.
    OP, I do find it amusing you think you know the intricacies of the law just because your uncle is a judge

    Until you have the education/training yourself, I would not be so confident in your opinions...especially as one who has not even finished hs

    I also advise you to stop digging yourself in a hole. I feel you are rapidly losing any credibility/respect that many long time posters previously had of you due to this very, and I mean very childish and selfish mindset you are exhibiting in this thread
    If a few people on MacRumors find me to be childish, I really couldn't care less. Believe me, what you guys think of me is not going to ruin my chances of getting into an Ivy League school, or from becoming a successful adult.


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  • Donz0r
    Sep 13, 11:23 PM
    Hello everyone! I've been a daily nerd for about 2 years now, but I never took the time to register until today...

    I am definitely going to buy an Apple phone when and if it becomes available. I'm sure they'll get the design and interface right, as they always do. I saw someone post something on here (or maybe it was another recent thread) claiming their friend saw the Apple phone branded as a Samsung at a mobile phone convention just recently (which I totally doubt, they would never bring it out in public before release)... I think they're talking about this phone:

    [image removed]

    I love the design of it, but I'm really not sure if Apple would abondon the click wheel on their first step into the cell phone market. One part of me wishes they would go with a full touch screen, but I think the click wheel will make it easier to market to the masses of iPod lovers.

    touch screen dialing sucks, not being able to feel buttons is actually a big deal, even though most numbers are dialed through contacts list.

    consumers won't fly for the touch screen thing, we have to remember apple is targeting the average american consumer, not us techno-nerdy macrumors folk

    love you more than funny quotes. i love you more than life
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  • Chundles
    Oct 12, 05:53 PM
    Apparently Sting is to be involved in the launch of the brown Zune. 5% will go to fight diarrhoea in Africa.


    (PS don't flame me. Diarrhoea, unlike the brown zune, is not a laughing matter.)

    I thought "African Diarrhoea" was the technical name of the Zune's brown colour. You wait and see, next year we'll get a new colour from MS for the Zune - "Delhi Belly Explosion" a sort of greenish-brownish-orange...

    Ah dysentery... it's funny on so many levels. ;)

    love you more than funny quotes. Quotes 1 – 5
  • Quotes 1 – 5

  • Mattsasa
    Apr 30, 06:47 PM
    Glad, hoping for a redesign, but probably unlikely, also would be great to see the yellow tint issue resolved..

    Yea I don't think I redesign is likely, Apple likes the current one still, and it is pretty nice IMO

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 5, 02:03 PM
    Good move but I bet its riddled with DRM:mad:

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  • joshwest
    Oct 12, 08:27 PM

    love the chicago store been there a few times

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  • matttrick
    Sep 1, 11:38 AM
    gah i love how mention of the merom rumor has to be thrown into every other rumor :(

    love you more than funny quotes. Hey, I love movies. We all do!
  • Hey, I love movies. We all do!

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Aug 28, 12:22 PM
    A week Tuesday, a week Tuesday! I just put my mini on eBay and I'll get a good chunk less if they update them tomorrow! I thought the original rumour said after Labor day which is next week isn't it?

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  • macquariumguy
    Apr 19, 01:06 PM
    I too am exempt. We don't clock in, but do put down hours worked on our contracts (because that is what the customer wants). Functionally I am an hourly employee, because if I do not work a full 40 hours I don't get 40 hours worth of pay.

    From that description, you don't sound like an exempt employee to me. I'm not a labor lawyer, but if I was in your shoes I think I'd be reading up on the subject. There are rules that employers are supposed to follow.

    What I don't get is if I did 40 hours worth of work, but in 35 hours I still would only get paid for 35 hours. I thought being on salary would remove that.
    Heh, if you can do it in 35 hours then it is not 40 hours worth of work, is it? :)

    love you more than funny quotes. love you more than funny
  • love you more than funny

  • thisisahughes
    Mar 30, 12:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Apple is upset at Amazon for using AppStore.

    Microsoft is upset at Apple for using App Store.


    love you more than funny quotes. love you more than funny
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  • calculus
    Oct 12, 01:07 PM
    I'll probably come of sounding like a jerk and opening a HUGE can of worms with this, BUT...

    I'm glad somebody else was thinking what I was thinking! Why do we constantly have to place a line between men and women, black and white, American and everyone else. If we actually want equality and unity and all those wonderful things, I think it's about time we stop dilineating between groups of people.

    It can't be both ways... if women/minorities want equality in the work place, or government, or in society as a whole, there can't also be inequality in the world when it comes to things like this... men and women, black and white, straight and gay - they have to be equal across the board, or not at all. We can't have it both ways.

    That said, bravo to Apple, U2, and anyone else involved here. Anytime you can use your power and influence to raise funds and awareness - no matter the alterior motives - it's a good thing.
    Exactly, why just limit this to people with AIDS. That discriminates against people who are healthy.

    love you more than funny quotes. love you more than funny
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  • Captainobvvious
    Mar 30, 11:59 AM
    Its important to always note context.

    Windows may be generic but only when you're trying to trademark the term for actual windows. Windows doesn't describe an OS... It is the same with office. If they wanted to call Office "Word Processor" it would be considered generic because they are trying to trademark the generic term to describe something.

    App Store IS generic in that same sense.

    But I think consideration needs to be paid to the circumstances too. There have been MANY application repositories many with names like "Marketplace". The term App Store was always there for the taking but none used it because it was a generic term that they didn't think was catchy.

    Now Apple has used the term and it has become a household term associated with Apple... There is a brand awareness there they cultivated without needing a trademark.

    Now that all the work has been done and people have an association with App Store the other companies want to use to for no other reason than to cash in on the strong name brand APP STORE has.

    It is certainly incredibly generic but it does have strong brand association, consumer trust and recognition that was completely created by Apple.

    NOTE: I KNOW the term App Store has been used in the past and Apple didn't invent it. They did take it from a n obscure, not widely used term and made it to the household name it is today.

    love you more than funny quotes. friend quotes funny. best
  • friend quotes funny. best

  • arn
    Sep 10, 05:00 AM
    I guess Apple should'a put Conroe in the iMacs. Is there a chance this will mean Conroe will be in MacPro's?

    It seems Apple could just wait for Clovertown...

    which appears to be 2 Woodcrests on one processor. Could we see 8-Core Mac Pros' in 2007?


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  • iMacZealot
    Sep 21, 05:32 PM
    Great breakdown, peharri. :)

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 30, 11:27 AM
    App may be generic, but does that also make App Store generic ?

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  • cozmot
    Mar 23, 04:14 AM
    So who said OS X is completely secure? Go back and read the statements that have been made.

    That's just a straw man argument concocted to give some posters here an excuse to be argumentative, nothing more.

    love you more than funny quotes. i love you more than anything
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  • mmcc
    Apr 22, 08:25 AM
    The cellphone providers are doing all they can to reduce bandwidth usage. About a year ago I switched to the 200MB/mo. data plan to save $$$ on my AT&T bill.

    I don't understand how this application of the cloud is very useful. It will be something I would consider using only if I am near a WiFi connection, plus the ability to use DropBox for any kind of file trumps something that only works for music.

    Is the practical application going to provide control over whether it is active over WiFi vs. 3G? I am not paying another $15/mo. (or more) to AT&T just to listen to music.

    I don't get it. :confused:

    love you more than funny quotes. verizon, I
  • verizon, I

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Mar 19, 03:38 PM
    I hope you're getting paid well to post this crap.

    Is there some reason you feel the need lash out at people?

    Still, don't you feel dirty having to post references to obsolete "malware" like Leap-A and Inqtana-A that were never successful even before the OS was patched years ago??

    You seem to be utterly oblivious to the whole point of the message which is that OSX is not invulnerable by any means, which seems to be the fanboy mantra of the week.

    As for USB3 vs Lightpeak, your pitiful response makes me think you were one of the pinheads criticizing Apple for dropping floppy drives at the turn of the century.

    Again, the childish lashing out of insults.... :rolleyes: You do realize they don't make your opinions look any better don't you?

    The idea of dropping a drive that takes up space is one thing, but to include USB2 ports while purposely leaving out USB3 ports (which take up the same amount of space and are 100% backwards compatible) is asinine. The fact you would feel the need to call people "pinheads" who think in a logical manner rather than blindly worship Steve and everything Apple does tells me all I need to know about you, really.

    Apr 22, 12:50 PM
    what are you going to do with your downloaded song? if you still use cd's, you're an old timer when it comes to technology. My wife and i both listen to pandora/itunes music in the car and hooked up wirelessly throughout the house. Boom, all the music in the cloud service could be right there right now. Instead of having to go to my computer, sync what music i want so i can load up my phone with music i want for my trip.

    Times are changing. Once this cloud service is the standard, you won't have to have multiple hard drives with your data or music/photos. Go look at dropbox and how popular that is. There is no need for users to have mass amaount of storage when you can access it in the cloud.


    Oct 12, 07:26 PM
    Some strange arguments come up whenever this Red business is mentioned. Follow the link for information on what this is really about.

    They act as a clearing house, kind of like the United Way in the US. Programs are run by other groups.

    Most of the money is earmarked for tuberculosis and malaria, less than half is spent on HIV-related programs.

    Spending is not restricted to women and children. Programs are evaluated for their ability to work against discriminatory effects, and in many parts of the world that will mean that men need less help.

    This is not only for some countries in Africa. Funds are sent to all but the richest parts of the world.

    Mar 30, 01:21 PM
    Apple popularized the term "App" instead of "Application" (ugh!).
    How come they don't have a trademark on the word "App"? (That would solve the problem.)

    Aug 23, 06:27 PM
    Seems to me that for just a mere $100 million (mere to Apple anyway seeing as how they have over $8 billion in cash currently), Apple has just bought Creative out of the mp3 player market. Not to mention that Apple will now be receiving royalties from Creative via the Made for iPod licensing. This is yet another brilliant move by Steve Jobs and is absolutely a win/win for both Apple and Creative.

    Apr 14, 11:50 AM
    This is great news! One of the ReadyNAS I didn't buy a Sandy Bridge MBP is that I want USB3.

    Did "reasons" get autocorrected to "ReadyNAS"? lol

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