Saturday, May 21, 2011

real iphone 5 pictures

real iphone 5 pictures. iPhone 5 Mini?
  • iPhone 5 Mini?

  • Gundampilotspaz
    Sep 5, 04:07 PM
    I want my Core 2 Duo Macbook!

    real iphone 5 pictures. iPhone 5 GSM/CDMA Dual-mode
  • iPhone 5 GSM/CDMA Dual-mode

  • cozmot
    Mar 17, 07:31 AM
    It this utter ignorance and false sense of security in the Mac user base that I would use to my advantage if I were a cyber-criminal. While I completely appreciate the lack of malware OSX has enjoyed thus far, I've seen more than enough evidence over the past few years to tell me that it's far from safe. The latest Safari/Webkit hacking contest result alone should be enough to cause any reasonable person to take notice. I think a few people will be changing their tunes the day the crap finally hits the fan.

    For some reason, a certain famous quote from The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy about the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation comes to mind regarding certain people who will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes.... ;)

    So you're not a cyber-criminal, but there are many out there, yet they haven't used this "sense of security in the Mac user base" to their advantage, have they? The latest hacking contest (I assume you're referring to Pwn2Own 2011) resulted in Safari and IE 8 being hacked. A browser is not an OS. Note that Goggle Chrome came out with flying colors, yet one of its platforms - Windows - has been hacked many times.

    Simply put, there are underlying vulnerabilities to Windows that do not exist with OS X. That said, the real dangers to your computer are how you use it. Don't have a password on your wireless router? Use easy-to-guess passwords on your online accounts? Never change your passwords? Use the same password on all your accounts? Visit porn sites a lot and download that stuff? Download movies illegally? Click on links in emails from people you don't know? Or, from those you do, don't look at the source to see if it's a valid link? Respond to emails telling you that your [fill in the blank] account has been temporarily disabled, and that you need to "verify" your information to reactivate it? If so to any of the above, you're asking for trouble, even if you do have AV software "protecting" you.

    There are many security experts who do not use AV software. Steve Gibson is one of them. Why? They practice safe computing and use common sense. No amount of AV or Internet security software is going to protect people who practice unsafe computing.

    We've been hearing about the crap hitting the fan for years, and will for years to come. Yawn.

    real iphone 5 pictures. iPhone 5 specifications:
  • iPhone 5 specifications:

  • DVK916
    Jul 19, 10:59 PM
    Links please. Both low end Merom and Allendale have the same amount of cache. Still, Allendale clocks higher and faster.

    Who is talking about low end Merom. I am talking about higher end with 4mb of Cache.

    I highly doubt apple would use a low end merom, when they can go with a higher end.

    The MacBook and MacBook Pro will both get 4mb Meroms.

    real iphone 5 pictures. iPhone OS 4 is also expected
  • iPhone OS 4 is also expected

  • 1984
    Sep 14, 04:53 AM
    I think that the phone interface won't have a click-wheel. Rather, it will be all screen with an on-screen wheel changing to an on-screen keypad. No slider action whatsoever. Maybe a hard switch for on/off, answer, and phonebook, but that's about all I'd put on the phone. It'll save on cost and hardware complexity too, not having to include a wheel.

    That's what the recent Apple patents lead me to believe. Hopefully this iPod nano with the slide out keyboard is just an early concept. A very early concept.

    real iphone 5 pictures. iphone 5 clone
  • iphone 5 clone

  • maflynn
    Mar 23, 04:32 PM
    The seemingly only purpose of this app is to avoid the checkpoints could be dangerous to those of us who don't drink and drive. They should pull any app.

    real iphone 5 pictures. Apple iPhone 5 might drop
  • Apple iPhone 5 might drop

  • BC2009
    Mar 30, 12:14 PM
    Again that doesn't matter as the word Windows doesn't come from the IT industry but existed before. App however was created within the IT industry.

    It does not matter if the term was created in the IT industry or not -- it matters if it has a generic defined meaning in that industry. Windows had a generic defined meaning in the IT industry before MS had a trademark. The single word in-and-of-itself was generic in that industry before any trademark existed -- and they got the trademark WITHOUT any descriptive modifiers on the end.

    At least Apple is being more specific in their trademark and adding the word "store".

    By the way... the term "application" and "app" were not first used in the IT industry either. People were filling out "employment apps" long before they were pounding keys on computers. Back then the word "app" meant a form you filled out (and continued to mean that even back when we referred to "apps" on computers as "programs")

    I think that means I have debunked your "origin of the word in the IT industry" in two ways.

    I still believe that while these terms are generic, we have many precedents (including Microsoft) of generic terms being given as trademarks.

    If you were to describe the "Android Marketplace" it could still be described as an "app store" or "application store", but it could not be branded as "App Store" -- that's what a trademark means. Just like Mac OS could still be described as a "windows operating system" or OpenOffice can still be described as an "office productivity suite". Even names like "OpenOffice" "QuickOffice" are allowed as trademarks because they differentiate from the generic term for which a trademark exists.

    Description and Branding/Trademarks are very different. Apple wants to use the term "App Store" as part of their brand. There will still be other things described as "app stores". Given what has been done by other companies I don't see why they should not be allowed.

    real iphone 5 pictures. real iPhone 5 or a mockup,
  • real iPhone 5 or a mockup,

  • aly
    Sep 14, 09:04 AM
    I doubt we'll see some headless tower (apart from the macpro) i honestly don't think its in apple's interest to openup a new price point. Mac mini provides a nice entry for windows users, people wanting something next to their tv, or have the monitor etc already. MacBook provides mobile low end. iMac allows a bit more power and features over the mini for home users wanting a bit more and companies and people who dont need the power of the Mac Pro. MacBook Pro is high end portable allowing for graphics, photography, design, etc, and to some extent gaming on the go. The Mac Pro is the beast, a workstation more than a desktop and therefore is over specced for the normal user. But why put in a new model in between a imac and a mac pro when having the gap forces people looking for more than an imac to go for the mac pro and increase revenue. By creating an 'in between' model it takes sales away from the popular imac and the expensive mac pro, would probably have to have lower margins to get people to buy it and would just float about in the middle. Maybe die a fate similar to the cube? I don't see it being a smart move.

    real iphone 5 pictures. is the real iPhone killer,
  • is the real iPhone killer,

  • xjebbx
    Sep 4, 08:56 PM
    Video, music, pictures, DVD, all sound great, but what i really want is my printer right next to my TV.

    real iphone 5 pictures. Apple iPhone 5 Design Drawings
  • Apple iPhone 5 Design Drawings

  • QuarterSwede
    Sep 15, 06:56 PM
    The biggest reason phones suck today is because the interfaces are horrible (SE's being the best of them all). Motorola's phones are nice but their UI's are awful. What I am expecting from Apple is an easy to use phone that looks great and has, nothing less than, an excellent UI. And of course it'll work with iSync ... that's just obvious.

    real iphone 5 pictures. Get Real: iPhone 5: Now with a
  • Get Real: iPhone 5: Now with a

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:00 PM
    Off Apple's website that he pointed you to:
    Playback time (30GB model)

    real iphone 5 pictures. It#39;s not real iPhone 4S (via
  • It#39;s not real iPhone 4S (via

  • theBB
    Sep 26, 10:00 PM
    When was the last time Think Secret had a rumor that turned out to be true? Who cares what TS claims, this rumor about "Cingular only" is not worth losing sleep over.

    Nevertheless, Apple is taking longer than I thought they would in bringing a phone to market. It does not seem like it will be introduced by Christmas and that's a pity.

    real iphone 5 pictures. white iphone 5 leak image 2
  • white iphone 5 leak image 2

  • Sabenth
    Aug 23, 05:28 PM
    Another spin on all of this is the fact they just get 100 million from apple and now they decided to spend mega bucks on it over here in the uk up untill reacently we hardly sore a advert for ipods or apple computers saw a lot of adds for creative zen but bugger all for ipods which is better i wonder ie market leader who dosnt push the advertising or the people who advertise a lot and still dont have a large market share ....

    To put it politely theres to many fingers in this pie and end of the day i know which system i prefer i aint saying its apple and its ipod either :D

    real iphone 5 pictures. real iPhone5 or a mockup,
  • real iPhone5 or a mockup,

  • Psychic Shopper
    Sep 4, 07:20 PM
    "This would somewhat explain why the Paris Expo was given the cold shoulder."
    Cold shoulder to say the least. The same day as the expo, in London, Apple will hold a press conference. If you are a reporter, where do you go?
    Apple distanced itself from the Macworld New York Expo, I wonder if they are doing the same thing with the Paris expo?

    real iphone 5 pictures. the real iPhone 5 appear.
  • the real iPhone 5 appear.

  • Ugg
    Apr 17, 08:55 PM
    I don't know if i can. Give me some time. But doesn't it make sense that if u stop using something that killed disease spreading insects that the insects will continue to spread the disease?

    What if the DDT destroys frogs and kills birds? They are two of the mosquitoes biggest enemies. That will obviously only make the problem worse, won't it?

    Malaria is a big killer but mosquito nets can make an enormous difference as well as education about what causes malaria.

    Reaching for a can of toxic chemicals isn't always the best solution. If we don't approach a problem holistically, all we do is create more problems down the road.

    Do you know what PCBs are? Did you know that small Aleutian Islands qualify for EPA cleanup ( though no PCBs have ever been on the island?

    Higher levels of PCBs were found in otters taken from Adak than from otters taken off the coast of California, the scientists said. Their findings were reported in a study published last month in the journal Marine Pollution Bulletin.

    Enough DDT was found in egg samples from eagles on Kiska Island to indicate the pesticide may be harming the bird's ability to reproduce in one of the nation's most remote areas, scientists said.

    real iphone 5 pictures. This the Real iPhone 4S?
  • This the Real iPhone 4S?

  • Donz0r
    Sep 13, 09:21 PM
    This is how I've always pictured the iPhone. Candybar style Slider phones are a hit right now, as well as Music playing phones, most of which suck when it comes to playing music.

    Apple needs to tap into this current market and release that thing before the holidays. All of the other concepts were way off, so un apple like. This is an apple phone. basically, an ipod with a small slide out keypad.

    Apple's consumer market is growing and more people fit into it than the professional market. The demographic which wants smartphones (for the most part) don't want an apple smart phone. Now that's not to say that an apple smart phone can't be successful, its just in comparison to a consumer targeted cell phone.

    Most cell phone buyers buy basic consumer cell phones. This is the perfect media player cell phone hybrid. It seems as if I'll be switching to cingular soon seeing as it will undoubtedly come out in cingular.

    real iphone 5 pictures. the real iPhone 5.
  • the real iPhone 5.

  • zwida
    Sep 10, 09:51 AM the new realeased merom iMac will last for how long:confused: :confused:

    worth it to buy now???

    thinkiNG of getting one...cant bear with my 3 yrs old of centrinO noteBook...:mad:

    I think it's worth buying now. There will always be something better out there. If you're suffering with a 3-year-old Centrino, make your computing life better now with a new iMac.

    real iphone 5 pictures. Samsung#39;s real iPhone 5
  • Samsung#39;s real iPhone 5

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 5, 01:54 PM
    Well fudge. I've been holding off on getting an Airport Express for literally a year, waiting for an AV version. I finally had to get one when I moved (no cable drop in the office at new house, so needed a wireless router) and then like 2 weeks later they release the AV model. Bastards.

    Oh well, probably can't afford one anyways - seeing as the AE w/ AirTunes is still $100. Does Apple price match refurb hardware? I'm assuming the AE price will drop when they release the AV model.

    Hmmm, I might be able to talk my wife into letting me get one for the theatre room if I can make it send cable TV up there too... Have to wait and see what the product actually is.

    Also, $10-15 for a d/l movies is a ripoff. Unless they are going to do HD quality movies at $15, DVDs will remain a much better value. Now, HD download service, with an affordable playback mechanism, at $15 per movie they will clean up... SD though? Forget about it.

    real iphone 5 pictures. iPhone 5 render
  • iPhone 5 render

  • KingCrimson
    Apr 22, 04:25 PM
    I really hope this happens but I have a feeling that it will be hobbled in some way. If it runs from an iTunes master copy of songs then it might preclude people uploading music that has been ripped from CDs or bought somewhere else (like Amazon).

    This. Or songs ripped from Youtube videos. Sorry Apple just lost my business IF it's going to be based on the iTunes-verified master copy.

    real iphone 5 pictures. iPhone 5 display
  • iPhone 5 display

  • aloshka
    Apr 11, 01:43 AM
    Should be public anyway, why can't we have cool 3rd party devices?

    Oct 27, 03:28 PM
    What seriously kills me about all this is that those sensationalist chimpanzees from GP rally against a computer company that presently has roughly 6% (or less) of the computer market....almost every throw away computer I've ever seen were Compaqs, HP's, Dells, Gateways/e-Machines, and a few other generic crap boxes from some nameless plastic factory stuffing windoze in a toaster. Seriously, Greenpeace goofballs should stop stargazing up their rectums and take a look at the largest contributors of hardware refuse. Macs as far as I know are not easily tossed out. apple computers have been primarily hand me downs unless some terrible accident happened rendering it useless. seriously, no one throws away a functioning mac, unless they decided lead paint makes for good breakfast cereal.

    How many of these sap-chugging numbskulls go after Dell for making computers that generally end up being sidewalk fodder? perhaps they should invest their energies into designing the green computer, since they seem to have so much gloriously skilled scientists at their disposal to expose the evil apple. Go team planet!

    yeah, Team Planet.

    If it really mattered the chain would be broken at the top of the pyramid, instead they just farm us for every last cent in our pockets.

    They quote facts as if they actually believe that people are 'that stupid', it becomes a stumbling block for their statistics. How many people give just 'yeah, whatever' answers to people collecting 'market research' because actually they are too busy to give an honest answer to an 'in reality' a very complex question.

    If you ask stupid questions, you get stupid answers.

    Popular science 'the GREEN movement' seems to thrive on a consensus of simple answers to very complex questions.

    How much of our lives is now governed by a computer model that has trouble predicting tomorrows weather let alone the demise of the human race.

    Oh spare me the guilt and the need to confess for my consumer driven instincts, will you forgive me and all the other 'sinners' if we pay for a whole new layer of religion to 'lord it' over our daily doings?

    If you look on the fake apple site and look at the pictures, there are apple machines everywhere, how is that likely? About as likely as an apple turning up into some kids pram at a Mac Expo propaganda photo shoot.

    Please greenpeace, if you have something to say, tell me the facts straight, otherwise I'm too busy paying my taxes for a work shy troop of pseudo scientists to go around telling me how much further bureaucracy will be required to save the world. (please do not mistake this for stupidity) (oh and get a job, preferably one that doesn't recycle other people's tax into more paranoid and privacy invading bureaucratic waste.)

    I think the point that most people are trying to avoid is that at worse, there are too many people using too few resources and there's a whole lot of squawking 'chicken littles' who seem to think if we repent our sins that some how nature will not jump the artificial gap that has been built between us and our environment.

    You can't buck the market.

    and before someone points out undeniables like the value of making better products for our environment, I say great, lets start this new found efficiency and exercise it top down.

    I would gladly pay less tax for a more efficient government and spend the savings on more expensive products resulting from costs passed on to me by highly regulated manufacturers.

    I will however, grow tired of paying for this never ending environmental 'gravy train'.

    Perhaps, but the sooner man is extinguished from this planet the sooner the planet can recover to it's equilibrium.

    The truth kinda hurts.

    Sep 14, 10:27 PM
    Something that has been mentioned a few times here and there that I would like clarifying. I will be purchasing (as part of a group order) an MPB this Saturday. When I go to the apple website, for glossy, it says 5-7 days. If I ordered the MBP, and somehow managed to hold onto it without tearing it open until the 25th, could I really send it in, unopened, for an updated MBP not questions asked?

    As long as it's not a BTO, you should be able to return the MBP within the 14 day grace period. There is a restocking fee, but several people have stated that if you ask nicely (maybe bake some cookies for them?) they'll waive the restocking fee.

    BTO systems cannot be returned unless they're DOA.

    Mar 29, 12:47 PM
    mobile me does this, and I suspect, it will become free soon (or at least parts of it).

    LOL you will not get 25 GB free from Apple, you'll be lucky if they give you 5. LOL!

    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    Call me spoiled by all things thin, I think the iMac is looking pretty chunky these days. Not sure why it isn't significantly thinner than it is. The next time they do update the form factor it should essentially look like a giant first gen iPad.

    That would be just fine if all you wanted was iPad performance.

    Apr 30, 06:43 PM
    Glad, hoping for a redesign, but probably unlikely, also would be great to see the yellow tint issue resolved..

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