Monday, July 4, 2011

2008 Bmw M3 Convertible

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  • 2008 BMW M3 Convertible

  • addsf345
    05-11 05:42 PM
    Guys, please stop pointing each other on past issues. Please work together to fix the broken system. Past is past. When you get angry, I know it jumps you to hate all negative objects. Nothing we can get out of it. Please. Lets be united to fix things. Blaming will not fix anything instead it pulls legs of each other and finally set backs.

    You are right. We need to stop ppl like "Number30" who wants to ignite fight among us and keep on laughing on our misery. He makes stupid allegation that 60% of those who filed in july 2007 are subs. He disappears and never replies when you ask for proof. I don't know from where he is getting these ideas. Lets ignore "Number30" who keeps popping up with vested interest, claiming to have become US citizen.

    Lets forget past. We can not change past, accept it. Get over it. I mean GET OVER IT. Lets not fight on eb2/3 or anything else. Lets follow IV core and try to work towards a fair system. If H1B hiring is not country based, why should EB immigration???? Why should I be punished for being born in India? or in china, Mexico or Philippines for that matter?

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  • Sherman_tribiani
    09-07 10:55 PM
    We have known Rosa Park personally and she was a speaker at one of our meetings and let me tell you none of you are close to what she was.

    It looks like you are planning to go to DC. There is big difference between planning and execution. You folks are theoritical and not practical. This time the bus will be empty. You just don't have it in you. Take it from me.

    alterego - Good counter point on the numbers thing.

    Sheman - Think Rosa Parks (only one person). It the bus was empty that day, we certainly would be in a different world.

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  • BMW M3 Styles

  • chintu25
    08-21 04:01 PM
    As per one of the patrons on another thread an IO showed him a memo recieved by USCIS suggesting that all Visa numbers for EB2 India/China were exhausted

    2011 2008 BMW M3 Convertible In US 2008 Bmw M3 Convertible. 2008 BMW M3 Convertible
  • 2008 BMW M3 Convertible

  • InTheMoment
    08-17 10:51 PM

    Now I think some major clarifications are needed here. The Receipt Date (RD) that is printed on the I-485 receipt is the date whenever queuing according to RD is needed. This is THE date wherever a FIFO is required and is as assigned as soon as the envelope containing the I-485 is received.

    The ND only represents the date data-entry is made. This is the date which is mentioned erroneously as "received date" on the USCIS online system. Now this thing has been mentioned at USCIS liaison meetings by center directors and thro' AILA several times (I will post the reference as soon as I find it).

    That said whenever I talked to NSC officers (not the National Customer SC non-officers or regional call center IIO's or Infopass ignoramuses) ..officers who personally were aware of the going on's at the service center they said the Notice date does not carry any value for case adjudication priorities and the CLAIMS 3 systems only sequences (or sweeps as they call it) as per the PD and RD (when needed).

    Further, since I see all the notes made for my approved I-485 (thro' FOIA) including the worksheet completed by contractors. I clearly do not see any notations mentioned with reference to the ND on it...

    That said, for the OP, since your RD is very close to the "official" processing date there are all chances that your application might have already gone under the eyes of a CAO (Center Adjudication Officer). Call NSC directly and ask since you are so close and especially since your date is going current next want to make sure that your file is either pre-adjudicated OR assigned to an officer.

    If your "real" receive date (what you see online as "your case was received on...") is within the published processing dates for your service center, and your case is straight forward, most likely it is preadjudicated. In that case, as their SOP says, they put them in PD order in waiting for the visa. See the SOP below (which is a bit out of date). You are pretty high in PD seniority. you should get a good news soon. Best of luck.


    2008 Bmw M3 Convertible. BMW M3 Convertible Picture
  • BMW M3 Convertible Picture

  • The7zen
    05-11 10:49 PM

    2008 Bmw M3 Convertible. 2008 AC Schnitzer BMW M3
  • 2008 AC Schnitzer BMW M3

  • alok_msh
    03-06 03:10 PM
    Thanks for the efforts


    2008 Bmw M3 Convertible. Tags: 2008 BMW M3,
  • Tags: 2008 BMW M3,

  • ns33
    07-10 09:49 PM
    so if i ask you why EB2 filers should spend extra years getting educated and never getting this all important magic "PD" and then get in line behind someone who got a job the day they entered the country- and got a PD soon enough- what would you say?

    ask me. it took me 11 years to get a PD. why? for 7 of those years i was getting my advanced education. so why should i suffer behind the 3 year Indian degree person (against my 7 years there as well) who came in 5 years after me and filed right away?


    Dear Mr. pascal,
    Given that you are the super moderator, how can you even hint that EB3 vs EB2 reflect skill level of employee - don't you know by now that category is determined by "job's Requirement"?!!!!!!

    Also your stereotyping of all EB3s as 3 year Indian degree holder is the most unfortunate - I only hope that rest of the IV leadership is not made up of that crappy idea.

    For the record, I hold US Master's degree and am really offended by your comment and your view point.

    For the rest of the members reading this topic, this is exactly why being EB3 on IV is becoming more frustrating by the day... especially when the super mods posses such views...

    I am sorry forthis is wandering away from topic, but everyone including super mod mr. pascal has done that on this thread.

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    2010 BMW M3 Styles 2008 Bmw M3 Convertible. 2009 E93 BMW M3 Convertible
  • 2009 E93 BMW M3 Convertible

  • Goodintentions
    04-14 03:00 PM
    Even after having such a relaxed immigration rules, only leftovers go to Canada, UK and Australia.


    Your point about left overs is perfectly right, no arguments. Thank you.

    However, kindly note that immigrant friendly laws and economic (job) opportunities are different subjects.

    People do not want to go to other countries because the job oppportunities are less. Not because the immigration rules are bad :)

    People want to come to the USA because job opportunities are better, not because the immigration rules are friendly :)

    Here in IV we are purely dicussing immigration. That is our main agenda.

    Thank you..


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  • sbabunle
    12-18 06:38 PM
    I contributed $40 via paypal....

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  • jindhal
    07-17 06:54 PM
    Thanks Immigration Voice.... You Donno How Many Blessings You Are Going To Get For This


    2008 Bmw M3 Convertible. 2008 BMW M3 Convertible.
  • 2008 BMW M3 Convertible.

  • pappu
    12-18 05:32 PM
    One more recieved. Thank you aditya.

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  • maco
    08-09 09:17 PM
    No, I didn't go out of the country for stamping, coz i was under the impression that my visa was Change of Status from L-1 to H-1. Only now, i could find from the immigration lawyer that i don't have a valid I-94. My employer was napping too, all this while.

    Dude if u didnt have I94 how did u you work all these days?

    u should have got your I94 in chennai if u went for chennai

    let me make it clear

    as per my under standing if u didnt apply for change of status,then your h1 papers didnt have i94 attached with them when they were first released,they might have asked you to go for chennai for stamping

    which u didnt am i right?

    make your self clear buddy


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  • kc_p21
    11-27 02:59 PM
    Thanks for your response!

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  • Leo07
    12-04 08:12 AM
    Google Order #613806266463386 ............100.00
    Google Order #833957511846454 ............100.00


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  • GCNirvana007
    08-18 08:55 AM
    RD - August 16th 2007 - TSC processing - August 30th 2007
    PD - Dec 2004 EB2

    Hopefully 3rd time lucky eh

    Just an observation - There always seem to be a gap of 2 months between Receipt date and Notice date.

    So for July 2nd filers, there notice date would be September 2007. But they all got GC last yr when they made it current till 2006 PD. However processing times arent Sept 2007 even now which makes me believe its the receipt date?

    What do you guys think.

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  • BMW M3 Convertible Pictures

  • belmontboy
    04-15 12:28 PM
    Well IV support to this bill does not have my support.
    But IV will do what it has to do.
    So i cannot wish you all the best because i disagree with the approach

    Let us see how things will pan out

    we don't have to agree and support everything. IV does what benefits majority of the people (directly or indirectly)

    No worries with the luck, If I was lucky, I would have had my GC by now.

    BTW, many thanks for a civilized discussion.


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  • sodesperate
    04-26 12:37 PM

    where will the document be sent ? To the employer or to the employee after the approval?


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  • sam2006
    08-14 02:29 PM
    So folks
    We are in the Subset of 140 Approved in TSC and 485 applied in NSC (07-28 Lud)
    it seems our 485 could have been transfered to TSC
    the LUD was for the Transfer i guess

    we have now to look at TSC Dates for our RNs

    looks like long time to go !!!!

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  • BMW M3 Convertible now in SA

  • mohanty999
    08-17 05:54 PM
    Since your file is at TSC, there is an email address that AILA members have to request that your file be processed once PD is current. Contact your lawyer and ask him to check AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 08103067, that's where the procedure is outlined.

    I asked my lawyer abouT this and she said that in a recent AILA liasion meeting, TSC told AILA that they now have an "automatic sweep" process to determine which applicants have current PDs and therefore this email process is no longer required. Has anyone else heard the same?

    09-08 02:20 PM
    I was talking about “Adult American" especially in so called "highly skilled field”. That’s what this forum is all about ,isn’t it?

    See details at

    Just in case if you are not able to open the page, I am enclosing the excerpts

    “The highest occupational attainment was among those in the Professional and related fields followed by those Business, Management and financial related occupations. The professional/managerial fields were the only two occupational fields where college graduates with a Bachelor's degree or higher represented the majority. Among professional occupations, 99.1% of the population graduated from high school, 90.2% had some college education or an Associates degree and over two thirds, 68.2% had a Bachelor's degree or higher. Business and managerial occupations were second with 97.8% having graduated high school, 79.5% having some college or an associates degree and just over half, 53.4% having a Bachelor's degree or higher. While nearly all employment fields feature a population where over 80% had graduated high school with over a third having some college education or an Associates degree, the fields relating to agriculture, construction, manufacturing, and transportation did not. These, often described as blue collar, fields featured a labor force where less than a tenth of the population had a Bachelor's degree or higher, less than half had some college or an Associates, and less than 80% had graduated high school. Overall the least educated occupational field was agriculture, ranking dead last on all educational levels. Here only 55.4% had graduated high school, roughly one fifth (20.8%) had some college education or an Associates degree and only 6.8% had a Bachelor's degree or higher. While the largest occupational field, that consisting of professionals and relating occupations was also the largest field, the fields with lower educational attainment combined were larger than the professional and managerial fields combined. Overall 38.02% were employed in the professional and managerial fields while 61.89% were employed in the other white and blue collar fields were those with a Bachelor's degree or higher constituted less than a third of the work force.”[1]

    By the way, I have never met Lou Dobbs.

    So the bottom line is you all live in dreams...Macacas

    "75% people have undergrad degree" - How many straight drinks i need to take to Digest this statistics ?? Did you re-engineered this stat:D

    "Undergrad Degree" in S/T/Engg/Math - Could you tell me % and then i'll explain why you need to turn on to Macaca's....

    Say Hi to your friend Lou Dobbs/Ron Hira and tell him that craps dont work everywhere.

    04-13 02:33 AM

    We don't want to create more divisions based on how they got in to queue for GC. As a matter of fact, my company filed I-140 based on a old labor, where the skills were matching exactly and the previous person left the company. The company that I work in has 8500 employees, I was not even aware that they filed premium for I-140. I did not have to pay dime for all the process.

    Pls remember filing substitution labor was legal back then.

    However, USCIS removed this provision in 2007 and the discussion ends there.

    When you compare all other issues that are the root causes for the retrogression, we are spending the time and energy on some thing that would not help any one.


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